Paola Minussi takls about secural funeral at Tanexpo 2024

The secular funeral at my workshop at Tanexpo, Bologna 2024

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The Secular funeral provides an alternative to traditional religious ceremonies. These ceremonies emphasize celebrating the life of the deceased rather than religious dogma. They are customizable ceremonies that reflect the beliefs and values of the departed, allowing for an authentic and meaningful tribute.

New scenarios for funerals

In the current context, we are witnessing a significant change in funeral ceremonies. Restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic have necessitated more intimate and virtual ceremonies. These ceremonies aim to alleviate the physical and emotional distance of participants, making them feel like a part of a real community, not just a virtual one. This has led many people to consider new ways of commemoration that have persisted beyond the pandemic. Virtual secular funerals are gaining popularity, allowing family and friends to participate from distant locations and share memories online. This is just one of the innovations emerging in the funeral industry.

Death in the contemporary era

Death is an inevitable and universal part of the human experience, yet we often avoid discussing it, as if it were a taboo subject. However, now more than ever, it is essential to openly and honestly address death and consider new scenarios for funerals that reflect the secular humanism of our time.

In the digital and globalized era we live in, death may seem distant from our daily lives. Technology allows us to stay connected with people worldwide, and artificial intelligence enables entirely new and unimaginable encounters and scenarios in our daily lives. However, all of this often distances us from the reality of death. Nevertheless, when death strikes close to home, we often find ourselves unprepared and disoriented.

Why should we talk about death?

Facing death may seem uncomfortable, but it is a human necessity. Discussing it helps us understand it, process grief, and honor the lives of those who have passed away. Furthermore, opening a dialogue about death allows us to plan our wishes and funerals in advance, alleviating the emotional burden that our loved ones might experience during such a delicate time.

Tanexpo: the leading funeral event in Italy

Tanexpo, International Funeral and Cemetery Exhibition, is an internationally renowned Italian event held annually in Bologna. This fair is one of the most important global references for the funeral and commemorative industry, as it offers a unique opportunity for the industry to share knowledge, experiences, and innovations with both professionals and the general public.

The history of Tanexpo dates back to 1986 when it was first organized. Since then, the event has continued to grow in size and importance, attracting thousands of visitors from around the world. Tanexpo‘s primary goal is to provide a space where funeral industry professionals, including funeral home representatives, equipment manufacturers, artists, and consultants, can share their experiences, knowledge, and the latest industry innovations.

What Tanexpo offers

Tanexpo offers a wide range of services and resources for participants. Inside, you can find an exhibition of products and services, networking opportunities, funeral art exhibitions, trends and innovations in the funeral industry, and, last but not least, seminars, conferences, and workshops led by industry experts. These events, collectively known as “Tanexpo Education” provide a platform to discuss common topics, with a particular focus on the technical, legal, and ethical aspects of funeral ceremonies.

My contribution to the 2024 Tanexpo Edition

The 2024 edition of Tanexpo will take place on April 4th, 5th, and 6th of next year, with an entire section dedicated to training and information on funeral-related topics. On Friday, April 5th, I will have the pleasure of conducting a workshop titled: “Non-religious funeral services: new scenarios in society and proposals for telling a life story.” (linkare il titolo a: We will cover numerous topics, from the changing landscape of contemporary funerals to the new needs of clients, from the life story of the deceased to practical advice on narrating their life story, to the words to say and the behaviors to adopt during the ceremony and with the clients.

The importance of being there and talking about secular funeral

The Tanexpo Funeral Fair is much more than a commercial event; it is an opportunity to reflect on death and commemoration in innovative and meaningful ways. Through the sharing of knowledge and the promotion of compassion, this fair contributes to the improvement and enrichment of the funeral industry on a global scale. I am delighted and honored to participate and contribute to this event with a session that will actively involve participants, asking them to use their skills, knowledge, and professionalism to create a text useful for their own work while addressing such a delicate and universal topic.

Secular funeral: talking about death to celebrate life

Talking about death and considering new scenarios for secular funerals is a contemporary necessity. This openness to dialogue and innovation can help us experience grief in a healthier way and celebrate life more authentically. Confronting death makes us more aware of our own mortality and teaches us to embrace life with gratitude and compassion.

Talking about death is celebrating life.

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