The lesbian wedding ceremony of Erika and Veronica: a colorful and unforgettable ceremony

The wedding ceremony of Erika and Veronica: a colorful and unforgettable ceremony

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In a world where love takes many forms, celebrating the wedding of two women is a wonderful opportunity to create a special and meaningful event. Whether it’s a wedding, a commitment ceremony, or a celebration of a deep bond, infusing color and uniqueness into the occasion can add a touch of joy and authenticity. Today, I want to share the wedding ceremony of Erika and Veronica because through them, I had the opportunity to personally witness their joy and had the honor of narrating their unique and special love story.

Erika and Veronica: a wonderful couple!

Erika and Veronica are two extraordinary women; courageous and enthusiastic about life. They first met ten years ago on a summer day in a tourist village in Sicily, where both worked as animators. It was love at first sight. After that summer spent together, they never parted ways and went on to live together in Turin. After eight years both felt the desire to publicly acknowledge their love, deciding to get married. When they contacted me, they had a clear vision of how they wanted to celebrate their wedding ceremony, a day filled with color, joy, and shared moments with loved ones.

Color: the colors of the rainbow

The rainbow has always been a symbol of diversity and inclusion, and as such, we chose it as the guiding theme for the ceremony. From the flower decorations to the couple’s bouquets, the wedding cake, and the candles selected for the Unity Candle Ceremony, every detail was carefully considered to bring vibrancy and color to the ceremony. Each color represented a unique aspect of Erika and Veronica’s relationship, a shared love composed of many ingredients and different colors.

Warmth: the Unity Candle Ceremony

For the Unity Candle Ceremony, as mentioned in a previous post, we opted for not three candles, as usual, but eight candles, each representing a color of the rainbow. Next to the brides, three witnesses for each of them lit this symbolic rainbow constructed by the eight candles placed side by side. When all the candles were lit, displaying their bright colors, the visual impact was striking. A Unity Candle Ceremony can be made unique through the use of colored candles. All the flames brought forth an even brighter light, symbolizing the strength of the union between these two beautiful brides.

New life blooming: planting a tree

A very emotional moment in Veronica and Erika’s wedding ceremony was when, after exchanging rings, the two brides called all the witnesses and guests to join them in a symbolic and meaningful gesture: planting a tree together. This tree will be a living testimony to the strength of their love and will grow alongside their relationship over the years, symbolizing the constancy and beauty of their union.

A fun and joyful exit: many soap bubbles

To make the brides’ exit even more fun and playful, I suggested replacing the traditional rice or flower petal toss with soap bubbles. It was an absolutely fitting choice! The brides immersed themselves in a burst of colorful bubbles and, to the tune of their favorite song, danced down the aisle between two wings of guests. Everyone was swept away by the lively music and the lightness of the soap bubbles, a touch of magic and joy that made both brides and guests feel a bit like children again.

Bouquet toss

A significant moment in Erika and Veronica’s ceremony was the bouquet toss. For this symbolic gesture of good wishes for present and future brides, we chose a floral arrangement with all the colors of the rainbow, emphasizing that every flower is different and beautiful in its uniqueness but is part of the same garden. And this was the most beautiful message with which Veronica and Erika’s wedding ceremony concluded.

Rainbow Ceremony? Write to me, and let’s start dreaming of a more colorful world!

Are you thinking of organizing a rainbow ceremony that tells your story, your love story, and how, in the end, love triumphs over every difficulty? Write me a WhatsApp message and schedule your free video call. It will be exciting to start dreaming about your wedding ceremony and, together, strive to change the world to become even more colorful and respectful of differences. Together, we can do it!

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